Okay, so just a small disclaimer before I throw the collage in here; this project snowballed out of control, really quickly.
So I started with this lovely picture of what I thought was the moon, but now I think it's Pluto?
Anyway, after that I decided there should probably be some people thrown in there, so I added this nice group photo to the mix:
Then I figured it could use a little bit more finesse, and threw some fireworks in there:
Now there needed to be a little something to go with the 6 Flags sign, so I figured a roller coaster and some monuments would help that out:
So then it was looking a bit barren in the foreground, and I figured another little scene was necessary: (Fun fact about that scene: That Hilary Clinton barista was actually already photoshopped, I just found it on google. The convenience was a little scary...)
See, I thought I was done at that point, but like I said, it snowballed. It looked finished, but then I realized there was way too much usable space in the middle for it to really be done. Hence, this was born:
Now, I really thought I was done after that, but the sky just really looked like it was missing something. So here's a scene of my brother riding Lady Rainicorn from Adventure Time...:
Alright, now this time I knew I was really done, but it was actually missing one more thing. Which brings us to the final product:
So that's my collage! It's 70 layers, and comprised of around 60 images.